Saturday, September 10, 2011

City Council Meeting Minutes: September 6, 2011

The Escalante City Council met on Tuesday, September 6th. There were no public comments.

Planning and Zoning presented two applications for approval. The first was a lot that is slightly smaller than code would currently permit but that has historically been listed and taxed as a lot and thus was "grandfathered-in." A new home was proposed on 180 South and 200 East. Both applications were approved by City Council. The approval of new members to Planning and Zoning was again postponed until all members of City Council are able to be present. The final decision is scheduled for Tuesday, the 20th of September.

Scheduled Items:  Among Scheduled Items was the proposal to re-certify the court held here in Escalante. The city attorney, Barry Huntington, has endorsed the Court Recertification Resolution. The Resolution was passed.
Fire Department: 
Donny Porter, speaking as Chief of the Fire Department, discussed the need to purchase fireworks for the 2012 July events. He explained that by paying early, our city might save more than $1,000 in discounts and that “the later we wait, the more expensive it gets.”  The City approved $6,500 for fireworks, $1,000 of which is designated for July 4th. The Lions Club will likely provide further monies for fireworks for the July 4th celebration.

Chief Porter also requested funding for membership in a firefighter's organization that would yield discounts in training materials. Chief Porter also requested funding for pager batteries. Both were approved. A refrigerator and stove for the fire station was discussed. Chief Porter was given discretion to use his monies earned at a recent fund-raiser toward these purchases. While the previously donated refrigerator was broken upon falling from a truck, another was offered during this meeting. Finally, Mr. Porter presented his plan to order 700 shirts representing the Fire Department. Our volunteer fire department members will use some of the shirts. Others will be sold as a fundraiser for the department.

EMT Training: City employee Terry Olsen is an EMT. He approached the City Council about sponsoring his training to become an Intermediate Level EMT. If he trains next year, the total number of hours of required training increases markedly from 80 to 300. City council approved $500 for accommodations and other expenses.

Escalante Canyons Art Festival: A representative of the Escalante Canyons Art Festival approached City Council in order to insure arrangements for partial road closure and Community Center use during the festival. City Council okayed the plans that are essentially the same as in past years.
Additionally, there was a short review of safety features and past experiences in the past. The representative was then given appreciation for what (the Arts Festival Committee has) done to bring this event to Escalante. Permission was given to store the stage in the old fire station and use the glassed-in (aka “crying room”) in the rear of the Community Center.

Golf Course: Very few council reports were offered at this meeting. Mayor Taylor announced that a man in town who would like to bring the town’s golfers together approached him. The citizen proposes to install a driving range, perhaps in the interior of the racetrack. A person has volunteered to level the racetrack space. Mayor Taylor stated that a sprinkler system would need to be installed and that this is a project on which the community must decide. On Friday, the 16th of September at  6:00 p.m. a meeting to discuss this project will be held. Golf enthusiasts are encouraged to attend.

Traffic Hazards: City Council then discussed a few sundry items such as traffic hazards in the form of ill-placed bushes and a recommendation to leave the seemingly dead trees in place until next spring in order to see if they re-emerge.

From the Mayor’s Desk: 
This weekend will mark an anniversary that burns deep within. You see this Sunday is the 10th anniversary of the 911 tragedies. It seems like just yesterday that many innocent people lost their lives. I remember well exactly where I was at and what I was doing. I remember being at work, glued to a television set wondering just what on earth had happened. I watched as the horror of that day unfolded before our very eyes. It was a sad day for the entire world. Let us never forget that day. Lets us stand together united, working one with another for a better tomorrow. Let us stand for what is right and good. Let us build a community where our children, grandchildren, and future generations will feel safe. I am convinced that as we work together we can and will build a wonderful future for our community. Let us always stand for freedom. I would to thank all those who have served our country and who are now serving. We appreciate you; let us never forget your sacrifice in serving our country. Remember we live in a wonderful place.
The next City Council meeting is scheduled for the 20th of September at 7:00 p.m.

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